Dietary protein: physiological need and biological value


Valerii Mykolaiovych Makhynko
National University of Food Technologies
Andrii Vasylovych Sharan
National University of Food Technologies
Liudmyla Vasylivna Makhynko
National University of Food Technologies


The monograph generalizes the results of resolutions of FAO/WHO consultative meetings (1957–2014) regarding the establishment of protein consumption levels and the assessment of its quality, as well as the results of the authors’ work in this field. It provides an intelligible description of both traditional and modern medical and biological methods of assessing the quality of the protein component of food products and diets, the advantages of calculation methods and their types. Using numerous examples, it shows the principles and sequence of calculating the biological value of both individual food components and their mixtures. The chronology of changes in the formula of reference protein and modern recommendations regarding its composition are considered.

The monograph will be useful for scientists, specialists in the field of nutritional science and food industry, who require generalized modern information on the assessment of the protein component of human nutrition.

Keywords: protein, nutrition, physiological need, quality, biological value, calculation, assessment methods.

Author Biographies

Valerii Mykolaiovych Makhynko, National University of Food Technologies

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Andrii Vasylovych Sharan, National University of Food Technologies

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Liudmyla Vasylivna Makhynko, National University of Food Technologies

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


FAO Committee on Protein Requirements. Nutrition Studies № 16. Rome: FAO, 1958.

Protein requirements : report of a Joint FAO/WHO expert group. Geneva : FAO, 1963. — 72 p. URL:

Energy and protein requirements : report of a Joint FAO/WHO ad hoc expert committee. Rome : FAO, 1971. 118 p. URL:

Energy and protein requirements : report of a Joint FAO/WHO/UNU Expert Consultation. Rome : FAO, 1981. 208 p. URL: %28chp1-chp6 %29.pdf (chp. 1); %28chp7-chp13 %29.pdf (chp. 2).

Report of the Fifth Session of the Codex Committee on vegetable proteins. Ottawa: Codex Alimentarius Commission, 1989. 41 p. URL:

Protein quality evaluation: report of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation. Rome : FAO, 1991. 66 p. URL:

Protein and amino acid requirements in human nutrition : report of a Joint FAO/WHO/UNU Expert Consultation. Geneva : WHO, 2007. 256 p. URL:

The assessment of amino acid digestibility in foods for humans and including a collation of published ileal amino acid digestibility data for human foods : Report of a Sub-Committee of the 2011 FAO Consultation on “Protein Quality Evaluation in Human Nutrition”, New Zealand, 2012. 58 p. URL:

Dietary protein quality evaluation in human nutrition : Report of an FAO Expert Consultation. Rome : FAO, 2013. 66 p. URL:

Research approaches and methods for evaluating the protein quality of human foods : Report of an FAO Expert Working Group. Rome: FAO, 2014. 60 p. URL:

Thematic publications

Тематичні публікації

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Махинько В. М., Соколовська І. О., Черниш Л. М. Розрахунок біологіч-ної цінності харчових продуктів та раціонів за методикою PDCAAS. Зернові продукти і комбікорми. 2017. № 65. С. 22–26. URL: (дата звернення: 22.04.2024).

Махинько В. Н. Соколовская И. А., Шаран А. В. DIAAS — усовершенс-твованная методика расчета биологической ценности пищевых продуктов и рационов. Вестник Алматинского технологического университета. 2017. Выпуск 2 (115). С. 48–53. URL: (дата звернення: 22.04.2024).

Махинько В. Н., Соколовская И. А., Землинская М. Д. Инновации в оце-нке белковой составляющей пищевых продуктов. Научный взгляд в будущее. 2017. Выпуск 5. Том. 2. С. 58–62. DOI: (дата звернення: 22.04.2024).

Формула еталонного білка: етапи розроблення і сучасні норми / В. М. Махинько та ін. Наукові праці Національного університету харчових техно-логій. 2017. Т. 23. № 2. С. 208–216. URL: (дата звернення: 22.04.2024).

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May 1, 2024



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