Physiological and biochemical basics of application of retardants in plant growing
The monograph summarizes the results of the study of the effect of different groups of retardants on the morphogenesis, formation and functioning of the donor-acceptor system of plants in connection with productivity of agricultural crops. It is discussed the mesostructural features of leaves and the activity of photosynthetic processes under artificial inhibition of linear growth and different plant loads with fruits and seeds. The influence of retardants on the donor-acceptor relations at the heterotrophic phase of development in the conditions of skoto- and photomorphogenesis was investigated. Issues of hormonal regulation of plant morphogenesis, features of accumulation, temporary storage and distribution of assimilates and nutrients between acceptors – processes of vegetative growth and carpogenesis are considered under the influence of retardant with various mechanisms of action.
The monograph is for plant physiologists, graduate students, students of higher education institutions.
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