Scientific basis of analysis and synthesis of optimal energy-efficient control of electromechanical systems
control systems theory, high-order sliding modes, automatic - control systems for electric drives, optimal energy-efficient controlSynopsis
The authors' achievements in the field of development of control systems theory, where high-order sliding modes are implemented, was presented. Original methods for optimizing the accuracy of automatic - control systems for electric drives with nonlinear activation functions were outlined. The dynamic and static characteristics of control systems with nonlinear control algorithms were considered, and their stability was analyzed.
For scientific and technical workers engaged in the research, design and operation of modern automatic control systems, as well as for students and post-graduate students of relevant specialties
Chornyi Oleksii, Doctor of Science, Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Electromechanics, Energy Saving and Control Systems, Kremenchuk MykhailoOstrohradskyi National University, Kremenchuk, Ukraine
Tytiuk Valerii, Doctor of Science, Kryvyi Rih National University, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine
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