Modeling of structural elements of the energy-economic model «Electric network - electric consumer»
energy-economic model, asynchronous motor, line voltages, harmonic components, dynamic electromagnetic model, low-quality electricity, non-sinusoidal and asymmetric power supply, electrical networksSynopsis
Early evaluation of the parameters of electric power quality and maintenance of the corresponding operating modes of electric facilities in work environment is the important scientific and practical task. In terms of real operating conditions, electric mains often demonstrate nonsinusoidal mode characterized by the available harmonics of voltage and current. Deterioration of the electric power quality in the electric supply systems for industrial enterprises results in the decreasing reliability and efficiency of the operation of energy consumers, i.e. asynchronous motors (AM).
The known methods to reduce negative influence of low-quality electric power on the AM operation differ with their integration costs and expected economic effect. Nevertheless, the available methods for the selection of protective means for asynchronous motors, operating in the electric mains with nonsinusoidal voltage, have no economic substantiation. Moreover, economic losses of an industrial enterprise due to the operation of asynchronous motors in terms of considerable deviation of the power quality values from the standard ones have not been analyzed to the full extent.
The chapter of monograph has shown that currently it is expedient to solve a task of the selection of AM protective means basing on the computational studies, which involve a simulation model representing the interaction of company electric main with the power consumers. There are following structural elements of a simulation model: a generator of linear voltages of the company electric main; a nonlinear electromagnetic and thermal model of an asynchronous motor; and a decision-making block. The chapter of monograph demonstrates the ways to increase reliability of the modeling of electric main parameters.
Chornyi Oleksii, Doctor of Science, Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Electromechanics, Energy Saving and Control Systems, Kremenchuk MykhailoOstrohradskyi National University, Kremenchuk, Ukraine
Tytiuk Valerii, Doctor of Science, Kryvyi Rih National University, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine
Dedicated to Serhii Levchenko – a colleague, a scientist.
He perished for Ukraine in battles against the troops of the Russian Federation.
Serhii Andriiovych Levchenko graduated from the Zaporizhzhia Industrial Technical School with a specialization in "Electrical equipment of industrial enterprises and installations" in 1984. After serving in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, he continued his education and obtained a higher education at the Zaporizhzhia Machine-Building Institute named after V.Ya. Chubarya (National University " Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic"), in the field of "Power supply of industrial enterprises, cities and agriculture". He worked as a design engineer of the Specialized Trust " Pivdenkolirmethazoochyshchennia".
In 1990, he started his scientific and pedagogical activities at the Zaporizhzhia Electrotechnical Professional College. Since 2003, he worked at the Zaporizhzhia State Engineering Academy. In 2009, he defended his PhD thesis at The Institute of Renewable energy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv).
With the onset of Russian aggression, Associate Professor Serhii Andriiovych Levchenko volunteered to go to the front to defend his Motherland. During combat, he sustained a fatal wound in the temple. Serhii Andriiovych was respectfully buried at the cemetery of Saint Nicholas in the city of Zaporizhzhia.
Serhii Andriiovych Levchenko is the author of 50 scientific works and 60 methodological works.
Open, hardworking, honest, and kind – Serhii Andriiovych will forever remain in the memory of his loved ones, colleagues, and graduates.
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