Reformatting the environmental, energy, economic and financial spheres of Ukraine in the European integration conditions
Explanations and recommendations on the topics of the lecture course (as part of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet program " Reformatting the environmental, energy, economic and financial spheres of Ukraine in the European integration conditions " are presented (registration number 101085182 - REEEFSUEIC)). The manual contains a list of control questions. A thorough list of literature is provided for each topic. The textbook contains a list of control questions and a list of literature. The textbook was prepared with the aim of highlighting the problem of the future reform of the ecological, energy, economic and financial spheres of Ukraine based on European experience. The textbook is intended for students of economic and environmental specialties of higher education institutions, graduate students and teachers, students of business schools, specialists of enterprises, stakeholders, representatives of business, management bodies and local self-government.
for students of the specialty 076 "Entrepreneurship and trade", 101 "Ecology", 072 "Finance, banking, insurance and stock market" of the first level of higher education
(as part of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet program " Reformatting the environmental, energy, economic and financial spheres of Ukraine in the European integration conditions" (registration number 101085182 - REEEFSUEIC))
Topic 1. Roadmap of the European Green Deal: reforms and adaptation course for Ukraine
Topic 2. Environmental transformations and ecological principles of the EU: opportunities for eco-innovation in Ukraine
Topic 3. Environmental reforms of Ukraine in the European integration conditions
Topic 4. Modern innovative trends of transformational changes in the European green economy: challenges for Ukraine
Topic 5. Implementation of the EU Sustainable Development Goals in the Ukrainian economy based on the criteria of smart specialization
Topic 6. Development of the creative economy: cooperation between Ukraine and the EU
Topic 7. Development of the financial sphere of Ukraine in the conditions of European integration
Topic 8. Digital integration of Ukraine's financial industry into the EU
Literature for topic 1
Communication from the commission. The European Green Deal. URL: (date of application: 01.12.2024).
The European Green Deal Investment Plan and Just Transition Mechanism. URL: (date of application: 03.11.2024 ).
Circular Economy Action Plan. URL: (Accessed: 03.05.2024).
Commission Communication on the Sustainable Europe Investment Plan. URL: (Accessed: 05.11.2024).
Proposal for a European climate law . URL: (date of application: 05.11.2024).
European Clean Hydrogen Alliance. URL: (Accessed: 08.11.2024).
Literature for topic 2
Klymenko, Maxim. Problems and prospects for the development of tools for the decarbonization of the Ukrainian economy. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University, no. 1 (91) (June 30, 2022): 47-57.
Khrystyna Grigorieva. Prospects for the introduction of carbon control at the border with the EU: legal challenges for Ukraine. Materials of the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference on January 28, 2022 "Modern State Environmental Policy and Security of Sovereign Ukraine: Problems and Prospects of Legal Support", Chernihiv: Desna Poligraf, 2022. p. 84-91
Maksyuta N.S. Improvement of atmospheric air monitoring of agglomerations (on the example of the city of Poltava): thesis ... Doctor of Philosophy: Poltava, 2021. 240 p.
Yemets L. O. Administrative and legal principles of management in the sphere of ensuring the ecological security of the state: thesis ... doctor of law. Sciences: 12.00.07. Kharkiv, 2019. 544 p.
Literature for topic 3
Holik Yu ., Maksiuta N. Establishment of a network for the public atmospheric air monitoring and informing the population. Technology audit and production reserves (2020) - No. 4/3(54), pp . 36-40, DOI: 10.15587/2312-8372.2020.210376.
N. Maksiuta, Yu. Golik. Comparative Analysis of Pollution of Atmospheric Air in Cities (an Example of Leipzig and Poltava). ISSN 2366-2565 Proceedings of CEE 2019 - Advances in Resource-saving Technologies and Materials in Civil and Environmental Engineering, volume 47, pp. 260-267, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-27011-7_33.
Literature for topic 4
Achasova, A. O., & Achasov, A. B. (2024). The European Green Deal and prospects for Ukraine. Man and Environment. Issues of Neoecology, (41), 33-56.
Ukraine and European Green Deal Annual Monitoring Report 2023. URL:
Jeffrey D. Sachs, Guillaume Lafortune and Grayson Fuller (2024).“ The SDGs and the UN Summit of the Future. Sustainable Development Report 2024”, available at: https:, (Accessed: 1.11.2024).
European Clean Hydrogen Alliance. URL: (date of application: 22.11.2024).
Proposal for a European climate law . URL: (Accessed: 23.11.2024).
Lipych, L., Khilukha, O., Kushnir, M., & Koshovyi, B. (2023). Complementary concept of sustainable development economy and green economy. Academic Visions, 19. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7952048.
Our work on the sustainable development goals in Ukraine. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Ozeran, A., & Korshikova, R. (2019). Reporting on sustainable development: Сomplexities of the format. In Development of integrated reporting of enterprises: International scientific conference (pp. 242-243). Zhytomyr: Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University.
The global standards for sustainability impacts. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Literature for topic 5
Kukhar V. P. Problems of Ukraine - transition to sustainable development. - URL:
Latysheva O. V. Stages of management of the ecological component of the potential of sustainable development of machine-building enterprises. Economic Herald of Donbass. 2016. №3 (45). P. 218-224. URL:
United Nations Development Programme. Transforming our world: the 2030 agenda for sustainable development. May 11 2018. - URL:
Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. Goals of sustainable development and Ukraine. - URL:
Balabanov V. S., Balabanova A. V., Dudin M. N. Social Responsibility for Sustainable Development of Enterprise Structures. Asian Social Science. 2015. Vol.11 №8. P. 111-118. - URL:
Vergun A. M., Tarasenko I. AT. The concept of sustainable development in the conditions of globalization. Bulletin of the Kyiv National University of Technology and Design. 2014. №2. P. 207-2018. - URL:
Baumgartner R. J., Managing Corporate Sustainability and CSR: A Conceptual Framework Combining Values, Strategies and Instruments Contributing to Sustainable Development. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. 2013. Vol. 21. Issue 5. P. 258-271. - URL:
Dyllick T. Muff K. Clarifying the Meaning of Sustainable Business: Introducing a Typology From Business-as-Usual to True Business Sustainability. Organization & Environment. 2015. Vol. 29. Issue 2. P. 156-174. - URL:
Kyrych N. B., Melnyk L. M., Pogaidak O. B. Sustainable development of business entities: essence and influencing factors (European accents). Herald of economic science of Ukraine. 2015. №2. P. 151-155. URL:
Global trends 2030: alternative worlds. URL:
Vasyutkina N. V. Management of sustainable development of enterprises: theoretical and methodological aspects: monograph. Lira-K. Kyiv. 2014. 334 p. URL:
Pakulin S. L., Pakulina A. A. Management of sustainable development of a modern enterprise. The trajectory of science. Kharkiv . 2016. № 8. P. 200-217. URL:
Foray D., David P. A., Hall B. Smart Specialization: The Concept. Knowledge for Growth. Prospects for Science, Technology, and Innovation. Selected papers from Research Commissioner Janez Potochnk’s Expert Group. November 2009. Pp. 20-24. - URL:
Fedyaeva M. S. "Smart" specialization as a tool for the transformation of the national economy (theoretical aspect). Black Sea Economic Studies. 2018. Vol. 26-1. P. 87-92. - URL:
Amosha O., Lyakh O., Soldak M., Cherevatskyi D. Institutional determinants of implementation of the concept of smart specialization: the example of old industrial regions of Ukraine. Journal of European Economy. 2018. T. 17. № 3 (66). P. 310-344. URL:
Innovative Ukraine 2020: national report / by general ed.. V. M. Geits and others; NAS of Ukraine. К. 2015. 336 p. - URL:
Oleshko A. A., Shatska Z. Ya., Rovnyagin O. V. Smart specialization of Ukraine in the perspective of post-war economic recovery. Efficient economy. 2022. № 5. URL:
Literature for topic 6
Creative Economy Outlook and Country Profiles – Trends in International Trade in Creatives Industries, UNCTAD, 2018 year.
Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated April 24, 2019 No. 265-r "On approval of types of economic activity belonging to creative industries". URL:–zatverdznoyi–diality–yaki–nalezhat-do-kreativnih-industrij
Economic contribution of creative industries in the EU in terms of GDP and jobs, “TERA Consultants”, 2014 year:
Skavronska I., Creative industries in Ukraine, analysis and development prospects, 2017 year:
UNCTAD Creative Economy Database.
State Statistics Service. - URL:
Literature for topic 7
Patsuriia, N.B.(2021). Economic and legal policy of the state in the field of digital economy /Vinnyk, O.M., Zadykhaylo, D.V., Honcharenko, O.M., Shapovalova, O.V. -International Journal of Criminology and Sociology, 10, стр. 383–392.
Official website of the National Bank of Ukraine:
Strategy for implementing innovative financial instruments in capital markets by 2025: NBU URL:
European standards for consumer protection in financial services: textbook / M.V. Plotnikova, L.D. Rudenko, O.A. Shvager. – Sumy: Sumy State University, 2023. – 332 p.
Financial illiteracy among youth and the importance of higher education: what the latest NBU research on economic literacy says.
Ladkovsky (2023). European guidelines for the development of Ukraine in the context of war and global... vol. 2 (18).pdf.
Financial inclusion as a driver of economic growth: what the state, business, and communities need to do.
Financial literacy, financial inclusion, and financial well-being in Ukraine in 2021: report on the research results. URL:
Parubets O.M., Sadchikova I.V., Kalchenko O.M., Tarasenko O.O.(2021). Financial inclusion as a tool for access to financial services in EU countries. Economics, Finance, Law. No. 1/1.
Ukraine Recovery Plan. Expected results. URL:
Digitalization: benefits and ways to overcome challenges. URL:
Literature for topic 8
The Concept of a ‘Digital Economy’ [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: – Title from the screen.
New Digital Economy [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: Roadmap/NewDigitalEconomy.pdf.
Cooperation in the field of digital economy. – Access mode:
Integration of Ukraine into the Single Digital Market of the European Union: challenges, opportunities and barriers. – Access mode:
EU digital strategy. – Access mode:
Digital economy of Ukraine: main factors of development. – Access mode:
Digital transformation of Ukraine's economy in wartime conditions. September 2023. – Access mode:
On the ratification of the Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union on the participation of Ukraine in the European Union program «Digital Europe» (2021–2027): Law of Ukraine dated 23.02.2023 № 2926-IX. URL:
On approval of the list of indicators of the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI): Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated September 5, 2023 No. 774. URL:
What hinders the development of the digital economy in Ukraine [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: