De-ProMonograph en-US OMP 60 Functional renal reserve: clinical implementation <p>The monograph is dedicated to functional renal reserve—an important measure of the kidneys' ability to adapt under stress. It examines the main mechanisms of renal reserve formation, assessment methods, and its role in diagnosing and predicting kidney diseases. Special attention is given to the significance of renal reserve in patients with chronic kidney disease, hypertension, diabetes, and other comorbid conditions. This monograph will be useful for nephrologists, researchers, and medical students who aim to deepen their understanding of kidney function and optimize treatment for patients at risk of kidney failure</p> Dmytro D. Ivanov, Anatolyi I. Gozhenko, Mariia Ivanova Copyright (c) 2025 Authors Fri, 10 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Modeling of structural elements of the energy-economic model «Electric network - electric consumer» <p>Early evaluation of the parameters of electric power quality and maintenance of the corresponding operating modes of electric facilities in work environment is the important scientific and practical task. In terms of real operating conditions, electric mains often demonstrate nonsinusoidal mode characterized by the available harmonics of voltage and current. Deterioration of the electric power quality in the electric supply systems for industrial enterprises results in the decreasing reliability and efficiency of the operation of energy consumers, i.e. asynchronous motors (AM).</p> <p>The known methods to reduce negative influence of low-quality electric power on the AM operation differ with their integration costs and expected economic effect. Nevertheless, the available methods for the selection of protective means for asynchronous motors, operating in the electric mains with nonsinusoidal voltage, have no economic substantiation. Moreover, economic losses of an industrial enterprise due to the operation of asynchronous motors in terms of considerable deviation of the power quality values from the standard ones have not been analyzed to the full extent.&nbsp;</p> <p>The chapter of monograph has shown that currently it is expedient to solve a task of the selection of AM protective means basing on the computational studies, which involve a simulation model representing the interaction of company electric main with the power consumers. There are following structural elements of a simulation model: a generator of linear voltages of the company electric main; a nonlinear electromagnetic and thermal model of an asynchronous motor; and a decision-making block. The chapter of monograph demonstrates the ways to increase reliability of the modeling of electric main parameters.</p> <p><strong>Reviewers:</strong></p> <p><strong>Chornyi Oleksii,</strong> Doctor of Science, Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Electromechanics, Energy Saving and Control Systems, Kremenchuk MykhailoOstrohradskyi National University, Kremenchuk, Ukraine</p> <p><strong>Tytiuk Valerii, </strong>Doctor of Science, Kryvyi Rih National University, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><em>Dedicated to </em><em>Serhii Levchenko</em><em> – a colleague, a scientist.</em></strong></span></p> <p><em>He perished for Ukraine in battles against the troops of the Russian Federation.</em></p> <p><strong>Serhii Andriiovych Levchenko</strong> graduated from the Zaporizhzhia Industrial Technical School with a specialization in "Electrical equipment of industrial enterprises and installations" in 1984. After serving in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, he continued his education and obtained a higher education at the Zaporizhzhia Machine-Building Institute named after V.Ya. Chubarya (National University " Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic"), in the field of "Power supply of industrial enterprises, cities and agriculture". He worked as a design engineer of the Specialized Trust " Pivdenkolirmethazoochyshchennia".</p> <p>In 1990, he started his scientific and pedagogical activities at the Zaporizhzhia Electrotechnical Professional College. Since 2003, he worked at the Zaporizhzhia State Engineering Academy. In 2009, he defended his PhD thesis at The Institute of Renewable energy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv).</p> <p>With the onset of Russian aggression, Associate Professor <strong>Serhii Andriiovych Levchenko</strong> volunteered to go to the front to defend his Motherland. During combat, he sustained a fatal wound in the temple. Serhii Andriiovych was respectfully buried at the cemetery of Saint Nicholas in the city of Zaporizhzhia.</p> <p><strong>Serhii Andriiovych Levchenko</strong> is the author of 50 scientific works and 60 methodological works.</p> <p>Open, hardworking, honest, and kind – <strong>Serhii Andriiovych </strong>will forever remain in the memory of his loved ones, colleagues, and graduates.</p> Mykola Tryputen, Vitalii Kuznetsov, Viktor Kovalenko, Viktor Artemchuk, Serhii Levchenko Copyright (c) 2024 Authors Wed, 25 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Scientific basis of analysis and synthesis of optimal energy-efficient control of electromechanical systems <p>The authors' achievements in the field of development of control systems theory, where high-order sliding modes are implemented, was presented. Original methods for optimizing the accuracy of automatic - control systems for electric drives with nonlinear activation functions were outlined. The dynamic and static characteristics of control systems with nonlinear control algorithms were considered, and their stability was analyzed.</p> <p>For scientific and technical workers engaged in the research, design and operation of modern automatic control systems, as well as for students and post-graduate students of relevant specialties</p> <p><strong><em>Reviewers:</em></strong></p> <p><strong>Chornyi&nbsp; Oleksii</strong>, Doctor&nbsp; of&nbsp; Science,&nbsp; Director&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; Educational&nbsp; and&nbsp; Scientific&nbsp; Institute&nbsp; of &nbsp;Electromechanics,&nbsp; Energy&nbsp; Saving&nbsp; and&nbsp; Control&nbsp; Systems,&nbsp; Kremenchuk&nbsp; MykhailoOstrohradskyi National University, Kremenchuk, Ukraine</p> <p><strong>Tytiuk Valerii</strong>, Doctor of Science, Kryvyi Rih National University, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine</p> Roman Voliansky, Vitaliy Kuznetsov, Volodymyr Doskoch, Oleksandr Tkalenko Copyright (c) 2024 Authors Wed, 25 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Design of manipulators using MathCad <p>The spread of robots and manipulators necessitates the training of engineers of various specialties for the independent development of manipulators or their individual modules. The proposed materials are the result of many years of work by the author. The monograph contains methods for designing manipulators using MathCad. Examples and recommendations are given. Intended for students and scientific and engineering workers in the field of mechanical engineering, robotics and production automation.</p> Nataliya Serhiivna Ashchepkova Copyright (c) 2024 Authors Wed, 25 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Reformatting the environmental, energy, economic and financial spheres of Ukraine in the European integration conditions <p>Explanations and recommendations on the topics of the lecture course (as part of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet program " Reformatting the environmental, energy, economic and financial spheres of Ukraine in the European integration conditions " are presented (registration number 101085182 - REEEFSUEIC)). The manual contains a list of control questions. A thorough list of literature is provided for each topic. The textbook contains a list of control questions and a list of literature. The textbook was prepared with the aim of highlighting the problem of the future reform of the ecological, energy, economic and financial spheres of Ukraine based on European experience. The textbook is intended for students of economic and environmental specialties of higher education institutions, graduate students and teachers, students of business schools, specialists of enterprises, stakeholders, representatives of business, management bodies and local self-government.</p> <p><strong>for students of the specialty 076 "Entrepreneurship and trade", 101 "Ecology", 072 "Finance, banking, insurance and stock market" of the </strong><strong>first</strong><strong> level of higher education</strong></p> <p><strong>(as part of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet program "</strong> <strong>Reformatting the environmental, energy, economic and financial spheres of Ukraine in the European integration conditions" (registration number 101085182 - REEEFSUEIC))</strong></p> Kseniia Chichulina, Inna Miniailenko, Vitaliia Skryl, Nataliia Maksiuta Copyright (c) 2024 Authors Tue, 24 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Improvement of highways construction, reconstruction and maintenance methods <p>The publication contains the results of the research work of the employees of the Department of Highway Construction and Operation named after O.K. Birulya of the Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, regarding the study of modern methods of construction, reconstruction and operation of highways for the professional training of future specialists.</p> <p>For students of higher educational institutions, graduate students, all those interested in the problems of construction, reconstruction and operation of highways</p> Ihor Kiyashko, Natalia Arinushkina, Andriy Sedov, Dmytro Kostin, Roman Smolyanyuk, Olexandr Dohadailo, Yana Dohadailo, Natalia Yareshchenko, Olena Arinushkina, Olena Fomenko, Oleksandr Volovik, Serhiy Chuguyenko, Nadiia Smolianiuk, Vladyslav Tetera Copyright (c) 2024 Authors Wed, 27 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Economic evaluation and justification of engineering projects for machine-building enterprises <p>Increasing business activity and improving the financial performance of most domestic enterprises require the implementation of a large-scale program to update their technical and technological base. This includes replacing outdated equipment, technologies, and products, as well as improving production organization and management. Enhancing the technical and organizational level is particularly important for enterprises in high-tech industries, such as machine-building. Currently, the competitiveness of most domestic machine-building enterprises is low, which naturally leads to reduced demand for their products and a decrease in production volumes.</p> <p>The modernization of the technical and technological base of machine-building enterprises requires the implementation of investment projects aimed at introducing advanced equipment and technological processes, creating and manufacturing innovative products, etc. A significant portion of the work related to the development and implementation of these measures can be carried out by specialized organizations—engineering firms. However, the feasibility of purchasing their services requires prior justification through the development of corresponding engineering projects, which are a type of investment project.</p> <p>Contemporary scientific literature presents numerous methods and approaches for evaluating the effectiveness and justifying the feasibility of investment projects at enterprises. However, insufficient attention has been paid by scholars to the specifics of engineering works and services as a design object, as well as to the sectoral aspects of their implementation.</p> <p>The aim of the study is to develop theoretical principles and provide methodological and practical recommendations for improving approaches to economic evaluation and justification of engineering projects for machine-building enterprises. Achieving this goal necessitated the solution of the following tasks:</p> <p>further development of the theoretical foundations for the economic evaluation and justification of engineering projects at the enterprise;</p> <p>development of methodological principles for analyzing and diagnosing the current technical and organizational level of machine-building enterprises;</p> <p>development of a method for justifying the feasibility of acquiring services provided by engineering firms for machine-building enterprises;</p> <p>improvement of the methodological foundations for forming engineering work programs at machine-building enterprises;</p> <p>development of a method for assessing the economic efficiency and justifying the feasibility of implementing individual types of engineering projects at machine-building enterprises;</p> <p>improvement of methodological and practical foundations for justifying the selection of engineering projects and forming their portfolio at machine-building enterprises.</p> <p>The object of the study is the processes of evaluating the effectiveness and justifying the feasibility of implementing engineering projects at machine-building enterprises.</p> <p>The subject of the study is the theoretical, methodological, and practical foundations for evaluating the effectiveness and justifying the feasibility of implementing engineering projects.</p> <p>The practical significance of the results lies in the possibility of applying the methodological recommendations by managers and specialists at all levels of machine-building enterprises. These recommendations include: analyzing and diagnosing the current technical and organizational level of machine-building enterprises; justifying the feasibility of involving engineering firms' services; planning an engineering work program at machine-building enterprises; evaluating the economic efficiency and justifying the feasibility of implementing individual engineering projects; and forming an engineering project portfolio at a machine-building enterprise.</p> Vasyl Kashchyshyn Copyright (c) 2024 Kashchyshyn Vasyl Thu, 10 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Lecture notes on biochemistry, Part 1 (for 2nd year students of Medical Faculty) <p>This work includes, in brief form, modern information material for the course biological chemistry in three sections - metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and amino acids. The work contains information about scientific discoveries that influenced the development of modern medicine, contains examples of the simplest clinical problems and is aimed at applying biochemical knowledge in the practical activities of the future doctor</p> Maryna Vladyslavivna Knyazyeva Copyright (c) 2024 Knyazyeva Maryna Vladyslavivna Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Improvement of highways construction, reconstruction and maintenance methods <p>The publication contains the results of the research work of the employees of the Department of Highway Construction and Operation named after O.K. Birulya of the Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, regarding the study of modern methods of construction, reconstruction and operation of highways for the professional training of future specialists.</p> <p>For students of higher educational institutions, graduate students, all those interested in the problems of construction, reconstruction and operation of highways</p> Ihor Kiyashko, Natalia Arinushkina, Andriy Sedov, Oleksandr Dohadailo, Roman Smolyanyuk, Yana Dohadailo, Natalia Yareshchenko, Tamara Hryshchenko, Olena Fomenko, Dmytro Kostin, Olena Arinushkina Copyright (c) 2024 Authors Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Dietary protein: physiological need and biological value <p>The monograph generalizes the results of resolutions of FAO/WHO consultative meetings (1957–2014) regarding the establishment of protein consumption levels and the assessment of its quality, as well as the results of the authors’ work in this field. It provides an intelligible description of both traditional and modern medical and biological methods of assessing the quality of the protein component of food products and diets, the advantages of calculation methods and their types. Using numerous examples, it shows the principles and sequence of calculating the biological value of both individual food components and their mixtures. The chronology of changes in the formula of reference protein and modern recommendations regarding its composition are considered.</p> <p>The monograph will be useful for scientists, specialists in the field of nutritional science and food industry, who require generalized modern information on the assessment of the protein component of human nutrition.</p> <p>Keywords: protein, nutrition, physiological need, quality, biological value, calculation, assessment methods.</p> Valerii Mykolaiovych Makhynko, Andrii Vasylovych Sharan, Liudmyla Vasylivna Makhynko Copyright (c) 2024 Authors Wed, 01 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Innovative Processes in Language and Literature: Challenges of Times <p>It is with great pleasure that we present the proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Innovative Processes in Language and Literature: Challenges of Times". This volume represents the culmination of rigorous research, thoughtful discussions, and collaborative efforts from scholars across the globe.</p> <p>In an era marked by rapid technological advancements and sociocultural shifts, the fields of language and literature face unprecedented challenges and opportunities. This conference aimed to explore these dynamic changes, fostering an environment where academics, researchers, and practitioners could share insights, methodologies, and findings that address the evolving landscape of our disciplines.</p> <p>The papers collected in this volume span a wide range of topics, including but not limited to:</p> <ol> <li class="show">Digital humanities and its impact on literary studies</li> <li class="show">Emerging trends in linguistics and language pedagogy</li> <li class="show">The influence of social media on language evolution</li> <li class="show">Interdisciplinary approaches to literature in the 21st century</li> <li class="show">Technological innovations in translation and interpretation</li> <li class="show">The role of artificial intelligence in language processing and literary analysis</li> </ol> <p>These proceedings not only document the current state of research but also serve as a springboard for future investigations and collaborations. We believe that the ideas presented herein will contribute significantly to ongoing dialogues in the fields of language and literature, inspiring new avenues of inquiry and innovative approaches to longstanding questions.</p> <p>We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all contributors, reviewers, and organizers who made this conference and its proceedings possible. Their dedication and expertise have ensured the high quality and relevance of the work presented here.</p> <p>As we navigate the challenges of our time, it is our sincere hope that these proceedings will serve as a valuable resource for scholars, educators, and practitioners alike, fostering continued innovation and excellence in the study of language and literature.</p> Olena Koliasa, Natalia Veselova, John Douglas Clayton, Valeria Smaglii, Olena Moskaliuk, Iryna Melnychuk, Natalia Pyrlik, Olena Pedchenko, Olena Naboka Copyright (c) 2024 Authors Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Innovative technologies of marketing and management in conditions of transformational changes <p>In the conditions of transformations caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, military aggression by the Russian Federation and digitalization, the theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of the application of innovative marketing and management technologies were investigated. The implementation of digital technologies and artificial intelligence, strengthening of greening, application of innovative marketing and marketing of innovations in such areas as: trade and merchandising activities, hospitality industry, real economy, higher and pre-higher education are analyzed. Recommendations for the use of innovative marketing and management technologies have been developed. This research will help enterprises adapt to new business conditions; marketing and management specialists to improve their qualifications; scientists in the field of marketing and management to gain new knowledge and ideas.</p> <p>Keywords: innovative technologies, marketing, management, COVID-19 pandemic, war, digitalization, artificial intelligence, environmentalization.</p> <p><strong>Editorial committee of the conference:</strong></p> <p><strong><em>V. Kovalchuk</em></strong><strong>, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; </strong></p> <p><strong><em>Ye. M. Zaburmekha</em></strong><strong>, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor. (rep. ed.);</strong></p> <p><strong><em>H. Tsurska</em></strong><strong>, teacher. (technical secretary) </strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><em>The materials are presented in the author's edition. </em><em>Authors are responsible for the content, authenticity of quotations, </em><em>and correctness of links </em></p> Conference participants Copyright (c) 2024 Authors Wed, 10 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Linguistic palette of translation: from word to text <p>The paper presents the results of the research work of the Department of Translation and Linguistic Training of Foreigners of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University and visiting professors. The first chapter of the collective monograph deals with the lexico-stylistic aspect of the department scientific topic. In particular, the attention is paid to translation of historisms, proper names, eptonyms and allusion, which is a relevant problem for translation studies. The focus of the research in the second chapter is aimed at the study of political advertising, the problem of translating syntax; intersemiotic translation of a literary work is considered. In the third chapter, attention is focused on the methodological paradigm of language education.The scientific research can be interesting for specialists in the field of philology, translators and all readers who understand the beauty of philology.</p> Olena Panchenko, Vira Zirka, Leonid Chernovaty, Natalia Kovalchuk, Martin Djovčoš, Maryna Votintseva, Tetyana Klymenko, Iryna Muliar, Hanna Khutorna, Kateryna Shevchyk, Olena Shkurko, Polyna Horіelova, Volodymyr Shybko, Valentyn Rudkovsky, Anastasiia Penzeva Copyright (c) 2024 Authors Fri, 01 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Safety-oriented rational water use in the context of sustainable development <p>The monograph highlights the problems of natural water preparation, its supply to consumers, and wastewater treatment of united territorial communities. The methods of water preparation, technological schemes and water supply systems, the main structures on them were considered; methods of improving the operation of treatment facilities by using rational technical solutions and equipment. The scientific and practical results of research on the preparation of natural water and wastewater treatment are presented, technological schemes of water supply of enterprises and features of operation of facilities in rural areas have been improved.</p> <p>The monograph is useful for scientists, researchers, collectors, managers and workers of united territorial communities and everyone who is interested in environmental issues, in particular, issues of water treatment and wastewater treatment from the population and industrial enterprises.</p> Serhii Kunytskyi, Natalia Ivanchuk, Serhii Shatnyi, Oleg Pinchuk, Myhailo Kunytskyi Copyright (c) 2023 Authors Sun, 24 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Study of resource-saving environmental methods for improving the safety of railway transport operation in tribocontacts of friction pairs <p>The monograph is devoted to the issue of improving the frictional characteristics of the two-point «wheel-rail» contact by the influence of the electric current on the rolling track, and the «wheel-rail ridge» contact zone by ozonated air flow.</p> <p>A method and a device for reducing the wear of the rim of the wheel pair have been developed, which allow creating favorable conditions for the contact of the rim of the wheels and the rails, due to the effect of ozonized air flow on their contact zone. The wear of tribosurfaces during the passage of an electric current was experimentally and theoretically evaluated, and the temperature increase in the frictional contact was estimated. The mechanism of influence of ozonated air flow on the tribotechnical characteristics of the contact pair is proposed</p> V.S. Nozhenko, M.V. Kovtanets, O.V. Serhiienko, T.M. Kovtanets Copyright (c) 2023 Authors Wed, 20 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Increasing the efficiency of the functioning of the railway vehicle by controlling the cooling of the frictional surfaces of the braking system <p>The monograph is devoted to the topical issue of increasing the efficiency of the braking system by controlling the cooling of friction surfaces by adaptive air supply. The design of the brake disk of the railway vehicle was improved in order to reduce the additional resistance to movement of its ventilation device in accordance with the calculated indicators. The effect of cooling friction surfaces on the efficiency of the braking system was studied.</p> O.V. Prosvirova, M.V. Kovtanets Copyright (c) 2023 Authors Wed, 20 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Increasing the accuracy of the stabilization complex <p>The monograph presents a scientific study in which an important scientific and technical problem is solved, which consists in determining the methods and means of improving the accuracy characteristics of the instrument system for measuring mechanical parameters and stabilization, improving the main characteristics of stabilizers, improving methods of measuring mechanical quantities that affect the functioning of stabilizers ( angle of installation of sensors of angular speed, stiffness, backlash, moments of resistance to rotation of the stabilizer guidance channels, etc.) in extreme operating conditions (a wide range of external vibration and temperature disturbances) by using the proposed new precision methods and means. The monograph contains relevant programs and algorithms.</p> <p>It is intended for master's students, postgraduate students, doctoral students, teachers of higher educational institutions and specialists of scientific divisions and institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and other scientific organizations.</p> Ylena Bezvesilna, Yuriy Kyrychuk, Tetiana Tolochko Copyright (c) 2023 Authors Mon, 20 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Study of steady-state modes of a synchronous electric machine <p>The monograph contains theoretical studies and a mathematical apparatus justifying the use of synchronous permanent magnet motors. Comparative calculations of synchronous machines and permanent magnet motors are shown.</p> <p>The monograph is intended for specialists of design, transport and municipal organizations of the urban economy, as well as for teachers, graduate students and students of technical specialties.</p> Oleksandr Mykolaiovych Petrenko, Viacheslav Mykhailovych Shavkun, Oleksandr Vadymovych Donets, Denys Yuriiovych Zubenko Copyright (c) 2023 Authors Tue, 30 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Basic Advertising Management <p>The proposed textbook is a basic volume of educational material for the curriculum economic profile, which is taught in higher education in Kazakhstan. It is intended for independent work of students: both individually and with the teacher, within the framework of the disciplines "Management", "Marketing Management", "Basic of Advertising Management", "PR-Management"</p> T.P. Kovshova, D.T. Ismailova, N. Ismailova Copyright (c) 2023 Authors Tue, 30 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Art pedagogy for creative personality development of teenagers <p>The monograph provides a thorough analysis of the problem of art pedagogy on the development of creativity of teenagers, systematizes relevant knowledge from various branches of scientific knowledge - pedagogy, psychology, philosophy, art history regarding the place of creativity as a personal phenomenon that determines the possibility of creative self-expression of a teenager in integrated music lessons in general secondary schools education The proposed work demonstrates a scientifically based and experimentally proven way to modernize the educational reality, expands the understanding of the possibilities of direct interaction between the teacher and students at the informational, multicultural, interpersonal levels, which forms the basis for the introduction into modern education of effective conditions and means, educational technologies for the development of students' defining personal qualities and mental functions (thinking, attention, imagination), opens new perspectives in musical education and education of a comprehensively developed, cultural, creative personality capable of self-expression through art</p> Svitlana Tereshchenko, Natalia Seheda Copyright (c) 2023 Authors Tue, 30 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000 PR-management <p>The proposed textbook is a basic volume of educational material for the curriculum of economic profile, which is taught in higher education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. It is intended for independent work of students: both individually and with a teacher, within the framework of the disciplines "Management", "Marketing Management"</p> T.P. Kovshova, D.T. Ismailova, N. Ismailova Copyright (c) 2023 Authors Tue, 30 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Aviation gravimetric system with two-channel transformer gravimeter <p>The monograph outlines the main fundamental theoretical provisions regarding the measurements of the acceleration of gravity and anomalies of the acceleration of gravity using an aviation gravimetric system, the main component of which is a new two-channel transformer gravimeter.</p> <p>The monograph provides information on the practical application of information from a two-channel transformer gravimeter. The main new scientific provisions of the monograph are confirmed by patents of Ukraine for inventions, highlighted in the authors' scientific articles.</p> <p>The monograph is intended for doctoral students, post-graduate students, master's students of higher educational institutions in automation and instrument engineering, as well as for specialists of institutes of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU), research and design organizations of the instrument engineering profil</p> Ylena Bezvesilna, Mariia Hrynevych, Tetiana Tolochko Copyright (c) 2023 Authors Thu, 30 Mar 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Sociocultural and Philological Paradigms of Contemporary Linguistic Education <p><em>The paper presents the results of the research work of the Department of Translation and Linguistic Training of Foreigners of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University. The first chapter of the collective monograph </em><em>deals with</em><em> the socio-cultural aspect of the </em><em>department </em><em>scientific topic. In particular,</em><em> the</em><em> attention is paid to Ukrainian verbal and ethical means of communication, which is a </em><em>relevant</em><em> problem for foreign students; the focus of the study is on cultural and pragmatic aspects in linguistic facts</em><em> study</em><em>; the impact of homonymy on the communicative process and the impact of Internet technologies on the foreign language competence of higher education students are considered. In the second chapter, </em><em>the </em><em>attention is focused on the philological paradigm of language education. </em><em>The r</em><em>esearchers emphasize the importance of such linguistic aspects as phonetics and grammar and </em><em>suggest</em><em> modern methods of teaching them. Such a topical issue of English word formation as the modeling of words with the suffix -ment is considered. Classical and modern aspects of translation theory are </em><em>regarded</em><em> on the basis of translations of works by Charles Dickens and screen adaptation of a literary work as a special type of intersemiotic translation.</em></p> <p><em>The s</em><em>cientific research can be interesting for specialists in the field of philology, translators and all readers who understand the beauty of philology.</em></p> Olena Panchenko, Maryna Votintseva, Olena Dotsenko, Tetyana Klymenko, Iryna Muliar, Olha Novikova, Iryna Suima, Hanna Khutorna, Kateryna Shevchyk, Олена Василівна Шкурко Copyright (c) 2023 Authors Wed, 01 Mar 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Physiological and biochemical basics of application of retardants in plant growing <p>The monograph summarizes the results of the study of the effect of different groups of retardants on the morphogenesis, formation and functioning of the donor-acceptor system of plants in connection with productivity of agricultural crops. It is discussed the mesostructural features of leaves and the activity of photosynthetic processes under artificial inhibition of linear growth and different plant loads with fruits and seeds. The influence of retardants on the donor-acceptor relations at the heterotrophic phase of development in the conditions of skoto- and photomorphogenesis was investigated. Issues of hormonal regulation of plant morphogenesis, features of accumulation, temporary storage and distribution of assimilates and nutrients between acceptors – processes of vegetative growth and carpogenesis are considered under the influence of retardant&nbsp; with various mechanisms of action.</p> <p>The monograph is for plant physiologists, graduate students, students of higher education institutions.</p> Volodymyr Grygorovych Kuryata, Iryna Volodymyrivna Poprotska Copyright (c) 2022 De-ProMonograph Sun, 30 Jan 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Regulation of morphogenesis and process of agricultural crop production by means of phytohormone analogues and modifiers of their action <p>The monograph examines the literature and experimental data on the influence of synthetic growth regulators with different mechanisms of physiological action on growth processes, morphogenesis, formation and functioning of the source-sink system of crops in connection with their productivity.</p> <p>For plant physiologists, agronomists, teachers, postgraduate students and students of biological specialties.</p> V.G. Kuryata, G.S. Shataliuk, O.V. Kushnir, O.O. Khodanitska, B.O. Kuts Copyright (c) 2021 De-ProMonograph Wed, 30 Jun 2021 00:00:00 +0000